



PosX() deprecated


PosY() deprecated


Pos() deprecated


Layer() deprecated

Variable descriptions#

const int X πŸ”— Source

Returns the X-coordinate of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->X’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.

const int Y πŸ”— Source

Returns the Y-coordinate of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->Y’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.

const int Pos πŸ”— Source

Returns the combo screen index of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->Pos’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.

const int Layer πŸ”— Source

Returns the layer the combo is on in a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->Layer’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.

untyped[] InitD πŸ”— Source

The 2 InitD values for the combo script.

const int ID πŸ”— Source

The combo ID this combodata points to.

int OriginalTile πŸ”— Source

The β€˜Original Tile’ of the combo, used as the start of its animation.

int Frame πŸ”— Source

The current animation frame the combo is on in its animation. Set to 0 to reset to start of animation.

int AClk πŸ”— Source

The animation clock of the combo. Set to 0 to reset the timer.

int Tile πŸ”— Source

The tile currently being displayed by the combo. This is automatically overwritten each frame by the engine.

int Script πŸ”— Source

The combo script that this combo runs.

int ASpeed πŸ”— Source

The combo animation speed.

int Flip πŸ”— Source

How to flip (or rotate) the combo.

Valid values: TransformationType (FLIP_ or ROT_).

int Walk πŸ”— Source

The solidity bitmask of the combo (same as Screen->ComboS[])

int Effect πŸ”— Source

The effect bitmask of the combo (same as Screen->ComboE[])

int Type πŸ”— Source

Valid values: ComboType (CT_).

int CSet πŸ”— Source


Deprecated! Use CSet2 instead!

int CSet2 πŸ”— Source

The CSet2 offset for this combo.

int CSet2Flags πŸ”— Source

Bitwise access to the 4 corners of the cset2 square. TODO: Untested!

int Frames πŸ”— Source

The number of frames in the combo animation before it loops.

int NextData πŸ”— Source

If > 0, cycling is enabled for this combo. When the combo’s animation would normally loop, instead the combo will change to the NextData combo.

int NextCSet πŸ”— Source

If the AnimFlags AF_CYCLENOCSET is NOT set, the combo will change to this cset when it cycles.

int Flag πŸ”— Source

The inherent flag of the combo. Use the CF_ constants from std_constants.zh.

int SkipAnimX πŸ”— Source

The number of extra tiles to move horizontally between each frame.

int SkipAnimY πŸ”— Source

The number of extra tiles to move vertically, when the horizontal movement goes past the end of a tile row.

int AnimFlags πŸ”— Source

Bitwise access to the combo’s animation flags. Use the AF_ constants to access.

int[] Attributes πŸ”— Source

The 4 combo attributes. These have a full range (all zscript values, including decimal). Their effect depends on the combo type.

int[] Attribytes πŸ”— Source

The 8 combo attribytes. These have a byte-sized range, 0 to 255. Their effect depends on the combo type.

int[] Attrishorts πŸ”— Source

The 8 combo attrishorts. These have a short-sized range, -32768 to 32767. Their effect depends on the combo type.

bool[] TrigFlags πŸ”— Source

The trigger flags of the combo

Use the TRIGFLAG_ constants from std_constants.zh

bool[] Flags πŸ”— Source

The 16 combo flags. Their effect depends on the combo type.

bool[] GenFlags πŸ”— Source

The combo generic flags, specified by the GENFLAG_ constants.

bool[] TrigButton πŸ”— Source

int TrigLevel πŸ”— Source

int TrigItem πŸ”— Source

int TrigTimer πŸ”— Source

int TrigSFX πŸ”— Source

The SFX to play when the combo is triggered. If 0, no SFX will be played.

int TrigChange πŸ”— Source

The amount the combo will change by when triggered.

Ex. 1 acts as β€˜->Next’, -1 acts as β€˜->Prev’.

If 0, no change occurs.

int TrigProximity πŸ”— Source

int TrigLightBeam πŸ”— Source

The light beam trigger set that (may) trigger this combo.

0 means any beams, 1-32 mean only matching beams.

Related: - TriggerFlags:ref:`TRIGFLAG_LIGHTON<libs_std_enum_member_trigflag_lighton>` (trigger when hit by matching light) - TriggerFlags:ref:`TRIGFLAG_LIGHTOFF<libs_std_enum_member_trigflag_lightoff>` (trigger when NOT hit by matching light)

int TrigCounter πŸ”— Source

int TrigCtrAmount πŸ”— Source

int TrigCooldown πŸ”— Source

The combo’s cooldown between triggers

int TrigCopycat πŸ”— Source

If > 0, triggering this combo triggers all other combos with matching TrigCopycat.

int TrigSpawnItemPickup πŸ”— Source

The item pickup flags for the spawned item


int TrigExState πŸ”— Source

If > -1, the ExState that the combo is linked to.

int TrigExDoorDir πŸ”— Source

If > -1, the direction of ExDoor that the combo is linked to

int TrigExDoorIndex πŸ”— Source

If TrigExDoorDir is > -1, the index of that direction of ExDoor that the combo is linked to.

int TrigSpawnEnemy πŸ”— Source

If > 0, the enemy ID spawned when the combo is triggered.

int TrigSpawnItem πŸ”— Source

If > 0, the item ID (or dropset ID) spawned when the combo is triggered.

int TrigCSetChange πŸ”— Source

The amount the cset will change by when triggered.

int TrigLevelState πŸ”— Source


flags. 0-31, inclusive.

int TrigGlobalState πŸ”— Source


flags. 0-255, inclusive.

int TrigGStateTimer πŸ”— Source

If > 0, the global trigger caused by TRIGFLAG_GLOBALSTATE will set to the β€˜on’ state with this value as a timer in frames.

If this value is 0, it instead toggles the state as normal.

int TrigGenScript πŸ”— Source

When triggered, this generic script will be run in the β€˜RunFrozen’ mode.

int TrigGroup πŸ”— Source


0-255, inclusive.

int TrigGroupVal πŸ”— Source


0-65535, inclusive.

int TrigLItems πŸ”— Source


int TrigDMapLvl πŸ”— Source

The β€˜Level’ used by β€˜TrigLItems’.

-1 represents the β€˜current level’, otherwise a valid dmap level indicates that level.

int TrigTintR πŸ”— Source

When triggered, the palette is tinted on the red channel by this amount. -255 to 255.

-63 to 63 if compat QR β€œScripts use 6-bit color (0-63) instead of 8-bit (0-255)” is enabled.

int TrigTintG πŸ”— Source

When triggered, the palette is tinted on the green channel by this amount. -255 to 255.

-63 to 63 if compat QR β€œScripts use 6-bit color (0-63) instead of 8-bit (0-255)” is enabled.

int TrigTintB πŸ”— Source

When triggered, the palette is tinted on the blue channel by this amount. -255 to 255.

-63 to 63 if compat QR β€œScripts use 6-bit color (0-63) instead of 8-bit (0-255)” is enabled.

int TrigLvlPal πŸ”— Source

The level palette to change to when triggered. -1 for none.

int TrigBossPal πŸ”— Source

The boss palette to change to when triggered. -1 for none.

int TrigQuakeTimer πŸ”— Source

The quake timer to set when triggered. -1 for none.

int TrigWavyTimer πŸ”— Source

The wavy timer to set when triggered. -1 for none.

int TrigSwordJinx πŸ”— Source

The duration to Sword Jinx the Hero for. -2 for none, -1 for β€˜until cured’, 0 to cure.

int TrigItemJinx πŸ”— Source

The duration to Item Jinx the Hero for. -2 for none, -1 for β€˜until cured’, 0 to cure.

int TrigShieldJinx πŸ”— Source

The duration to Shield Jinx the Hero for. -2 for none, -1 for β€˜until cured’, 0 to cure.

int TrigStun πŸ”— Source

The duration to Stun the Hero for. -2 for none, -1 for β€˜until cured’, 0 to cure.

int TrigBunny πŸ”— Source

The duration to Bunny the Hero for. -2 for none, -1 for β€˜until cured’, 0 to cure.

int TrigPushTime πŸ”— Source

The duration that the combo must be pushed against for the β€˜Push->’ trigger flag to take effect.

int LiftGFXCombo πŸ”— Source

The GFX combo/cset used to display the object, if β€˜Other Combo GFX’ is the GFX mode.

int LiftGFXCSet πŸ”— Source

The GFX combo/cset used to display the object, if β€˜Other Combo GFX’ is the GFX mode.

int LiftUnderCombo πŸ”— Source

The combo/cset that will be left behind when this combo is lifted.

int LiftUnderCSet πŸ”— Source

The combo/cset that will be left behind when this combo is lifted.

int LiftDamage πŸ”— Source

The weapon damage of the thrown object.

int LiftLevel πŸ”— Source

The minimum lift glove level required to lift this object.

int LiftItem πŸ”— Source

If > 0, drops this item ID.

bool[] LiftFlags πŸ”— Source

The combo lift flags.

int LiftGFXType πŸ”— Source

What GFX to use to display the lifted object.

int LiftGFXSprite πŸ”— Source

The GFX sprite used to display the object, if β€˜Sprite Data GFX’ is the GFX mode.

int LiftSFX πŸ”— Source

The SFX played on lifting.

int LiftBreakSprite πŸ”— Source

The Sprite Data sprite displayed when the object breaks.

int LiftBreakSFX πŸ”— Source

The SFX played on breaking.

int LiftHeight πŸ”— Source

The height above the Hero’s head to lift the object.

int LiftTime πŸ”— Source

The number of frames it takes to lift the object to its full height.

int LiftWeaponItem πŸ”— Source

If >0, the weapon will behave specially based on the provided item ID.

int SkipAnim πŸ”— Source

Corresponds to β€˜A.SkipX’ in the Combo Editor.

int UserFlags πŸ”— Source

int[] Expansion πŸ”— Source

Reserved for future use by the Combo Editor.

int NextTimer πŸ”— Source

int[] TriggerFlags πŸ”— Source

Function descriptions#

int PosX() πŸ”— Source

Returns the X-coordinate of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->PosX()’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.


Deprecated! Use X instead!

int PosY() πŸ”— Source

Returns the Y-coordinate of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->PosY()’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.


Deprecated! Use Y instead!

int Pos() πŸ”— Source

Returns the combo screen index of a combo from a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->Pos()’.

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.


Deprecated! Use Pos instead!

int Layer() πŸ”— Source

Returns the layer the combo is on in a combodata script, from the β€˜this->’ pointer as β€˜this->Layer()’

Using this from any other combodata variable is illegal and undefined.


Deprecated! Use Layer instead!