If / Unless / Else#

Conditional Statements#

A conditional statement allows executing a section of code only when a condition is met. By using if(condition), the code will run when the condition evaluates to any value other than 0. By using unless(condition), the code will run only when the condition evaluates to 0 (so, the opposite).

int x = 3;
if(x < 5)
        printf("x is less than 5\n");

unless(x > 10)
        printf("x is NOT greater than 10\n");
/* Prints:
x is less than 5
x is NOT greater than 10

After the conditional statement, whatever the next statement after that is will be the “body” of the statement. The body code is the code that is executed when the condition is met.

To have more than one statement be part of the same condition, you can use block them together using {}.

Conditional Else#

Placing an else after a conditional statement’s body, allows you to run a second body statement in the opposite condition.

int x = 3;
if(x > 6)
        printf("x is greater than 6\n");
        printf("x is NOT greater than 6\n");

unless(x < 10)
        printf("x is NOT less than 10\n");
else if(x < 2)
        printf("x is less than 2\n");
        printf("x is between 2 and 10 (inclusive)\n");
/* Prints:
x is NOT greater than 6
x is between 2 and 10 (inclusive)

As you can see in the example, you can use this to chain multiple conditionals together.

Conditional Declaration#

An if statement can contain a variable declaration. The body will execute only if the initializer of the variable gives a non-0/NULL value.

void kill_closest_npc(int max_range)
        if(npc n = find_closest_npc(max_range))
                n->HP = 0;
#include "std.zh"
        Finds the closest enemy to the player.
        Enemies farther away than 'max_range' are ignored.
        If no enemies are close enough, returns 'NULL'.
npc find_closest_npc(int max_range = MAX_INT)
        npc ret;
        int min = max_range;
        for(n : Screen->NPCs)
                int dist = Distance(Hero->X, Hero->Y, n->X, n->Y);
                if(dist <= min)
                        ret = n;
                        min = dist;
        return ret;

Not Yet Implemented

This may be expanded in the future to work more like it does in latest C++. This would likely include:

  • while/until loop support for declarations (while(npc n = some_func()))

  • ; condition suffix to use a condition other than != 0, ex. if(npc n = find_closest_npc(range); n->HP > 10) (would NOT apply to while/until)