


NumCharsOf(char32[] ptr, char32 chr)


NumCharsOf(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr)


isControlCode(char32 chr)


isNumber(char32 chr)


isAlphabetic(char32 chr)


isAlphaNumeric(char32 chr)


isHex(char32 chr)


isUpperCase(char32 chr)


isLowerCase(char32 chr)


isSpace(char32 chr)


isVowel(char32 chr)


ContainsChar(char32 chr, char32[] buffer)


ContainsCharPos(char32 chr, char32[] buffer)


ContainsChar(char32 chr, int pos, char32[] buffer)


ContainsCharPos(char32 chr, int pos, char32[] buffer)


UpperToLower(char32 chr)


LowerToUpper(char32 chr)


ConvertCase(char32 chr)


memset(untyped[] ptr, int pos, untyped value, int n)


memset(untyped[] ptr, untyped value, int n)


memcpy(untyped[] dest, int dpos, untyped[] src, int spos, int n)


memcpy(untyped[] dest, untyped[] src, int n)


memcpy(untyped[] dest, untyped[] src)


memmove(untyped[] dest, int dpos, untyped[] src, int spos, int n)


arrayset(untyped[] a, untyped[] args, untyped varargs …)


strcpy(int[] dest, int dpos, int[] src, int spos)


strncpy(int[] dest, int dpos, int[] src, int spos, int n)


strncpy(int[] dest, int[] src, int n)


remchr(char32[] ptr, int pos)


remchr(char32[] ptr)


remnchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, int n)


strcat(int[] dest, int[] src, int spos)


strncat(int[] dest, int[] src, int spos, int n)


strncat(int[] dest, int[] src, int n)


strchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr)


strrchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr)


strstr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] sub)


strspn(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] keys)


strcspn(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] keys)


strcmp(char32[] ptr1, int pos1, char32[] ptr2, int pos2)


strncmp(char32[] ptr1, int pos1, char32[] ptr2, int pos2, int n)


atoi(char32[] ptr, int pos)


ilen(char32[] ptr, int pos)


xtoi(char32[] ptr, int pos)


xlen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0)


atof(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0)


flen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0)


aton(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0)


nlen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0)


itoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num)


xtoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num, bool upper)


xtoa(char32[] ptr, int num, bool upper)


ftoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num, bool printall)


ftoa(char32[] ptr, int num, bool printall)


ftoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num)


ftoa(char32[] ptr, int num)


ntoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num)


ntoa(char32[] ptr, int num)


strcatf(int[] dest, untyped arg, int format)


strncatf(int[] dest, untyped arg, int format, int n)


sprintf_isMFCode(char32 chr)


sprintf_MFCodeToInt(char32 chr)


ReturnStringCharPos(char32[] ptr, char32 chr)


ReturnStringCharPos(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr)


ReturnStringCharPosRev(char32[] ptr, char32 chr)


ReturnStringCharPosRev(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr)


IsChar(char32 chr)


IsChar(char32 chr, char32 comp)


ScreenPrint(char32[] s, untyped v, int[] args)


strcmp(char32[] ptr1, char32[] ptr2)


strncmp(char32[] ptr1, char32[] ptr2, int n)


strlen(char32[] ptr)


strcpy(char32[] dest, char32[] src)


atoi(char32[] ptr)


strcat(char32[] dest, char32[] src)


strchr(char32[] ptr, char32 chr)


strrchr(char32[] ptr, char32 chr)


strspn(char32[] ptr, char32[] keys)


strcspn(char32[] ptr, char32[] keys)


strstr(char32[] ptr, char32[] sub)


ilen(char32[] ptr)


xtoi(char32[] ptr)


itoa(char32[] ptr, int num)


xtoa(char32[] ptr, int num)


sprintf(char32[] ret, char32[] formatstr, int a0 = 0, int a1 = 0, int a2 = 0, int a3 = 0, int a4 = 0, int a5 = 0, int a6 = 0, int a7 = 0, int a8 = 0, int a9 = 0, int aa = 0, int ab = 0, int ac = 0, int ad = 0, int ae = 0, int af = 0) deprecated


printf(char32[] formatstr, int a0 = 0, int a1 = 0, int a2 = 0, int a3 = 0, int a4 = 0, int a5 = 0, int a6 = 0, int a7 = 0, int a8 = 0, int a9 = 0, int aa = 0, int ab = 0, int ac = 0, int ad = 0, int ae = 0, int af = 0) deprecated

Function descriptions#

int NumCharsOf(char32[] ptr, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

ZScript string handling functions, akin to those found in C Returns the number of chracters of a given type in a specified string.

int NumCharsOf(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

bool isControlCode(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Single character functions Returns true if β€˜chr’ is in the control code range of ascii characters

bool isNumber(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is in the range of ascii characters β€˜0’ to β€˜9’

bool isAlphabetic(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is an alphabetic character

bool isAlphaNumeric(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is an alphanumeric character

bool isHex(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is in the set { β€˜0’-β€˜9’, β€˜A’-β€˜F’ , β€˜a’-β€˜f’ }

bool isUpperCase(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is an upper-case character

bool isLowerCase(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is a lower-case character

bool isSpace(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Retruns true if a β€˜chr’ is a blank space.

bool isVowel(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if β€˜chr’ is a vowel.

bool ContainsChar(char32 chr, char32[] buffer) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if the string contains a specific character.

int ContainsCharPos(char32 chr, char32[] buffer) πŸ”— Source

Returns first character position if the string contains a specific character, else -1.

bool ContainsChar(char32 chr, int pos, char32[] buffer) πŸ”— Source

Returns true if the string contains a specific character.

int ContainsCharPos(char32 chr, int pos, char32[] buffer) πŸ”— Source

Returns first character position if the string contains a specific character, else -1.

char32 UpperToLower(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Converts all upper case characters to lower case, leaving non-alphabetic characters unchanged

char32 LowerToUpper(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Converts all lower case characters to upper case, leaving non-alphabetic characters unchanged

char32 ConvertCase(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Converts lower case to upper case and upper case to lower case

void memset(untyped[] ptr, int pos, untyped value, int n) πŸ”— Source

Memory Manipulation Memory Set Sets block of memory of size β€˜n’ pointed by β€˜ptr’ to β€˜value’

void memset(untyped[] ptr, untyped value, int n) πŸ”— Source

void memcpy(untyped[] dest, int dpos, untyped[] src, int spos, int n) πŸ”— Source

Memory Copy Copys block of memory pointed by β€˜src’ of size β€˜n’ to β€˜dest’

void memcpy(untyped[] dest, untyped[] src, int n) πŸ”— Source

void memcpy(untyped[] dest, untyped[] src) πŸ”— Source

untyped memmove(untyped[] dest, int dpos, untyped[] src, int spos, int n) πŸ”— Source

Memory Move As memcpy, but uses a buffer so memory space can overlap

void arrayset(untyped[] a, untyped[] args, untyped varargs …) πŸ”— Source

Array Set Assign all elements of array.

void strcpy(int[] dest, int dpos, int[] src, int spos) πŸ”— Source

String Manipulation String Copy Copys string β€˜src’ into string β€˜dest’ without checking for overflow in β€˜dest’

void strncpy(int[] dest, int dpos, int[] src, int spos, int n) πŸ”— Source

As strcpy, but only takes the first β€˜n’ characters from src

void strncpy(int[] dest, int[] src, int n) πŸ”— Source

void remchr(char32[] ptr, int pos) πŸ”— Source

Remove Characters Remove all characters starting from pointer β€˜string’

void remchr(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

void remnchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, int n) πŸ”— Source

Remove β€˜n’ characters and shift string back to pointer β€˜string’

void strcat(int[] dest, int[] src, int spos) πŸ”— Source

String Concatenate Appends string β€˜src’ onto string β€˜dest’ (assuming dest has enough extra memory allocated to allow the operation)

void strncat(int[] dest, int[] src, int spos, int n) πŸ”— Source

strcat up to β€˜n’ characters in src

void strncat(int[] dest, int[] src, int n) πŸ”— Source

int strchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

String Searching String Character Returns the position of the first occurence of β€˜character’ in β€˜string’, or -1 if none are found

int strrchr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

String Reverse Character Returns the position of the last occurence of β€˜character’ in β€˜string’ starting from the end, or -1 if none are found

int strstr(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] sub) πŸ”— Source

String Sub-String Returns the position of the first occurence of sub-string β€˜sub’ in β€˜string’, or -1 if sub is not found

int strspn(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] keys) πŸ”— Source

String Span Returns the length of characters in β€˜ptr’ before a character not contained in β€˜keys’ is found

int strcspn(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32[] keys) πŸ”— Source

String Complement Span Returns the length of characters in β€˜ptr’ before a character contained in β€˜keys’ is found

int strcmp(char32[] ptr1, int pos1, char32[] ptr2, int pos2) πŸ”— Source

String Comparison String Compare Iterates through ptr1 and ptr2 until a character is found which is not the same in both strings, and then returns > 0 if the character is larger in ptr1, and < 0 if it is larger in ptr2. Returns 0 if the strings are equal

int strncmp(char32[] ptr1, int pos1, char32[] ptr2, int pos2, int n) πŸ”— Source

strcmp up to β€˜n’ characters

int atoi(char32[] ptr, int pos) πŸ”— Source

Converting between variables and strings ASCII to Integer Returns the decimal integer pointed by β€˜string’

int ilen(char32[] ptr, int pos) πŸ”— Source

Integer Length Returns the length of characters of the decimal integer pointed by β€˜string’

int xtoi(char32[] ptr, int pos) πŸ”— Source

Hexadecimal ASCII to Integer Returns the (positive) hexadecimal integer pointed by β€˜string’

int xlen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0) πŸ”— Source

Hexadecimal Length Returns the length of characters of the (positive) hexadecimal integer pointed by β€˜string’

int atof(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0) πŸ”— Source

ASCII to Float Returns the floating point number pointed by β€˜string’

int flen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0) πŸ”— Source

Float Length Returns the length of characters of the floating point number pointed by β€˜string’

int aton(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0) πŸ”— Source

ASCII to Number Calls either atoi or atof depending on context

int nlen(char32[] ptr, int pos = 0) πŸ”— Source

Number Length Calls either flen or ilen depending on context

int itoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num) πŸ”— Source

Integer to ASCII Places integer β€˜num’ into string β€˜string’ without checking for overflow, and returns the number of characters used

int xtoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num, bool upper) πŸ”— Source

Hexadecimal Integer to ASCII Places integer β€˜num’ into string β€˜string’ in base 16 without checking for overflow, and returns the number of characters used

int xtoa(char32[] ptr, int num, bool upper) πŸ”— Source

int ftoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num, bool printall) πŸ”— Source

Float to ASCII Places float β€˜num’ into string β€˜string’ without checking for overflow, and returns the number of characters used. If β€˜printall’ is true, it will add 4 decimal places regardless of the most significant digit

int ftoa(char32[] ptr, int num, bool printall) πŸ”— Source

int ftoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num) πŸ”— Source

int ftoa(char32[] ptr, int num) πŸ”— Source

int ntoa(char32[] ptr, int pos, int num) πŸ”— Source

Number to ASCII Checks whether β€˜num’ is an integer or not, and calls the appropriate function

int ntoa(char32[] ptr, int num) πŸ”— Source

void strcatf(int[] dest, untyped arg, int format) πŸ”— Source

String Formating String Concatenate Format Appends β€˜arg’ onto β€˜dest’ as the MF_ constant passed into β€˜format’

void strncatf(int[] dest, untyped arg, int format, int n) πŸ”— Source

As strcatf, using only β€˜n’ characters of β€˜arg’

bool sprintf_isMFCode(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

Used by sprintf

int sprintf_MFCodeToInt(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int ReturnStringCharPos(char32[] ptr, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int ReturnStringCharPos(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int ReturnStringCharPosRev(char32[] ptr, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int ReturnStringCharPosRev(char32[] ptr, int pos, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

char32 IsChar(char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

bool IsChar(char32 chr, char32 comp) πŸ”— Source

void ScreenPrint(char32[] s, untyped v, int[] args) πŸ”— Source

Prints a formatted string to the screen. int v can be a string, a float, or an int and is inserted to the string using the tokens %s, %f, and %d respectively. int args is an array literal with the following format required: { LAYER, X, Y, FONT, TEXT_COLOUR, TEXT_BG_COLOUR, FORMAT, OPCITY }

int strcmp(char32[] ptr1, char32[] ptr2) πŸ”— Source

Now an internal function. -Z ( 15th May, 2019 )

int strncmp(char32[] ptr1, char32[] ptr2, int n) πŸ”— Source

Now an internal function. -Z ( 15th May, 2019 )

int strlen(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

Internal as of 2.55 Alpha 23, 15th may, 2019 String Length Returns the length of string β€˜string’

void strcpy(char32[] dest, char32[] src) πŸ”— Source

int atoi(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

void strcat(char32[] dest, char32[] src) πŸ”— Source

int strchr(char32[] ptr, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int strrchr(char32[] ptr, char32 chr) πŸ”— Source

int strspn(char32[] ptr, char32[] keys) πŸ”— Source

int strcspn(char32[] ptr, char32[] keys) πŸ”— Source

int strstr(char32[] ptr, char32[] sub) πŸ”— Source

int ilen(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

int xtoi(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

int itoa(char32[] ptr, int num) πŸ”— Source

int xtoa(char32[] ptr, int num) πŸ”— Source

int sprintf(char32[] ret, char32[] formatstr, int a0 = 0, int a1 = 0, int a2 = 0, int a3 = 0, int a4 = 0, int a5 = 0, int a6 = 0, int a7 = 0, int a8 = 0, int a9 = 0, int aa = 0, int ab = 0, int ac = 0, int ad = 0, int ae = 0, int af = 0) πŸ”— Source

Prints string β€˜formatstr’ into β€˜ret’ according to the arguments inputted (see C function for reference) Maximum 16 arguments


Deprecated! Use the internal sprintf() instead.

void printf(char32[] formatstr, int a0 = 0, int a1 = 0, int a2 = 0, int a3 = 0, int a4 = 0, int a5 = 0, int a6 = 0, int a7 = 0, int a8 = 0, int a9 = 0, int aa = 0, int ab = 0, int ac = 0, int ad = 0, int ae = 0, int af = 0) πŸ”— Source

Uses a buffer to print the results of sprintf(formatstr,…) straight to allegro.log


Deprecated! Use the internal printf() instead.