


AdjacentCombo(int cmb, int dir, int dist)


BoolToFloat(bool input)


BoolToInt(bool input)


CenterLinkY(bool hitoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterX(itemsprite it, bool usehitbox)


CenterX(npc n, bool usehitbox)


CenterX(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox)


CenterX(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox)


CenterX(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterX(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterX(npc n, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterX(itemsprite i, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterY(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox)


CenterY(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox)


CenterY(npc n, bool usehitbox)


CenterY(itemsprite it, bool usehitbox)


CenterY(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterY(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterY(npc n, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


CenterY(itemsprite i, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset)


Collision(int cmb)


Collision(int cmb, lweapon l)


Collision(int cmb, eweapon l)


Collision(int cmb, npc l)


Collision(int cmb, itemsprite l)


Collision(ffc f, int cmb)


Collision(lweapon l, int cmb)


Collision(eweapon e, int cmb)


Collision(npc n, int cmb)


Collision(itemsprite i, int cmb)


Collision(lweapon l, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(int cmb, lweapon l, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(eweapon e, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(int cmb, eweapon e, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(npc n, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(int cmb, npc n, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(int cmb, bool checkcoldetection)


Collision(int cmb, ffc f)


Collision(int cmb, ffc f, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


Collision(int cmb, lweapon l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


Collision(int cmb, eweapon l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


Collision(int cmb, npc l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


Collision(int cmb, itemsprite l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


Collision(int cmb, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2)


CollisionDir(int cmb, lweapon l, int dir, bool checkcoldetection)


CollisionDir(int cmb, lweapon l, int dir, bool facingspecificdir, bool checkcoldetection)


DecimalToInt(int v)


DirRev(int dir)


DirRev(lweapon l)


DirRev(eweapon l)


DirRev(npc l)


DirX(int dir)


DirY(int dir)


Distance2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)


DistX(int a, int distance)


DistX(T a, int distance)


DistY(int a, int distance)


DistY(T a, int distance)


DistX(int a, int b, int distance)


DistX(int a, T b, int distance)


DistX(T a, int b, int distance)


DistX(T1 a, T2 b, int distance)


DistY(int a, int b, int distance)


DistY(int a, T b, int distance)


DistY(T a, int b, int distance)


DistY(T1 a, T2 b, int distance)


EToLWeapon(lweapon b, eweapon a)


EToLWeapon(eweapon a, lweapon b)


EtoLWeapon(eweapon a)


EtoLWeaponID(int type)


EWeaponToLWeapon(lweapon b, eweapon a)


EWeaponToLWeapon(eweapon a)


EWeaponToLWeapon(eweapon a, lweapon b)


EWeaponToLWeaponID(int type)


GetDigitValue(int n, int place)


GetHighFloat(int n)


GetLowFloat(int n)


GetPartialValue(int n, int place, int num)


GiveLinkItem(int itm_id, int holdtype)


GiveLinkItem(int itm_id)


GreatestIndex(int[] arr)










HoldUpItem(int id, int twohands)


HoldUpItem(itemsprite i, int twohands)


HoldUpItem(itemdata i, int twohands)


ImpactVelocity(int mass1, int velocity1, int mass2, int velociy2)


ImpactVelocityA(int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB)


ImpactVelocityB(int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB)


ImpactVelocity(lweapon a, eweapon b, int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB)




Least(int[] arr)


LeastIndex(int[] arr)


LinkFacing(ffc f)


LinkFacing(npc f)


LinkFacing(lweapon f)


LinkFacing(eweapon f)


LinkFacing(itemsprite f)


LinkFacing(int combo_pos)


LtoEWeapon(eweapon b, lweapon a)


LtoEWeapon(lweapon a, eweapon b)


LtoEWeapon(lweapon a)


LtoEWeaponID(int type)


LWeaponToEWeapon(eweapon b, lweapon a)


LWeaponToEWeapon(lweapon a, eweapon b)


LWeaponToEWeapon(lweapon a)


LWeaponToEWeaponID(int type)


MatchAction(int[] list)


MatchComboC(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchComboD(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchComboF(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchComboI(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchComboS(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchComboT(int[] list, int cmb)


MatchEWeaponType(int[] list, eweapon e)


MatchFFCScript(int script_id)


MatchFFCScript(int script_id, int[] list)


MatchItem(int[] list, itemsprite i)


MatchLayerComboC(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLayerComboD(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLayerComboF(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLayerComboI(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLayerComboS(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLayerComboT(int[] list, int layer, int cmb)


MatchLWeaponType(int[] list, lweapon l)


MatchNPC(int[] list, npc n)


MatchNPCT(int[] list, npc n)




NoInput(bool stick)










NoPress(bool stick)


ProximityX(ffc a, ffc b)


ProximityX(ffc a, lweapon b)


ProximityX(ffc a, eweapon b)


ProximityX(ffc a, npc b)


ProximityX(ffc a, itemsprite b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, ffc b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, lweapon b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, eweapon b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, npc b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, itemsprite b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, ffc b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, lweapon b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, eweapon b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, npc b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, itemsprite b)


ProximityX(npc a, ffc b)


ProximityX(npc a, lweapon b)


ProximityX(npc a, eweapon b)


ProximityX(npc a, npc b)


ProximityX(npc a, itemsprite b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, ffc b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, lweapon b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, eweapon b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, npc b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, itemsprite b)


ProximityX(int b, ffc a)


ProximityX(int b, lweapon a)


ProximityX(int b, eweapon a)


ProximityX(int b, npc a)


ProximityX(int b, itemsprite a)


ProximityX(ffc a, int b)


ProximityX(lweapon a, int b)


ProximityX(eweapon a, int b)


ProximityX(npc a, int b)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, int b)


ProximityX(int b, int a)


ProximityX(ffc a)


ProximityX(lweapon a)


ProximityX(eweapon a)


ProximityX(npc a)


ProximityX(itemsprite a)


ProximityX(ffc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(ffc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(ffc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(ffc a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(ffc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(lweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(lweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(lweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(lweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(lweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(eweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(eweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(eweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(eweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(eweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(npc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(npc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(npc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(npc a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(npc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityX(int b, ffc a, bool center)


ProximityX(int b, lweapon a, bool center)


ProximityX(int b, eweapon a, bool center)


ProximityX(int b, npc a, bool center)


ProximityX(int b, itemsprite a, bool center)


ProximityX(ffc a, int b, bool center)


ProximityX(lweapon a, int b, bool center)


ProximityX(eweapon a, int b, bool center)


ProximityX(npc a, int b, bool center)


ProximityX(itemsprite a, int b, bool center)


ProximityX(int b, int a, bool center)


ProximityX(int a)


ProximityY(ffc a, ffc b)


ProximityY(ffc a, lweapon b)


ProximityY(ffc a, eweapon b)


ProximityY(ffc a, npc b)


ProximityY(ffc a, itemsprite b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, ffc b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, lweapon b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, eweapon b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, npc b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, itemsprite b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, ffc b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, lweapon b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, eweapon b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, npc b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, itemsprite b)


ProximityY(npc a, ffc b)


ProximityY(npc a, lweapon b)


ProximityY(npc a, eweapon b)


ProximityY(npc a, npc b)


ProximityY(npc a, itemsprite b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, ffc b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, lweapon b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, eweapon b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, npc b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, itemsprite b)


ProximityY(int b, ffc a)


ProximityY(int b, lweapon a)


ProximityY(int b, eweapon a)


ProximityY(int b, npc a)


ProximityY(int b, itemsprite a)


ProximityY(ffc a, int b)


ProximityY(lweapon a, int b)


ProximityY(eweapon a, int b)


ProximityY(npc a, int b)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, int b)


ProximityY(int b, int a)


ProximityY(ffc a)


ProximityY(lweapon a)


ProximityY(eweapon a)


ProximityY(npc a)


ProximityY(itemsprite a)


ProximityY(int a)


ProximityY(ffc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(ffc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(ffc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(ffc a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(ffc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(lweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(lweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(lweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(lweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(lweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(eweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(eweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(eweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(eweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(eweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(npc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(npc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(npc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(npc a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(npc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, ffc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, npc b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre)


ProximityY(int b, ffc a, bool center)


ProximityY(int b, lweapon a, bool center)


ProximityY(int b, eweapon a, bool center)


ProximityY(int b, npc a, bool center)


ProximityY(int b, itemsprite a, bool center)


ProximityY(ffc a, int b, bool center)


ProximityY(lweapon a, int b, bool center)


ProximityY(eweapon a, int b, bool center)


ProximityY(npc a, int b, bool center)


ProximityY(itemsprite a, int b, bool center)


ProximityY(int b, int a, bool center)




RandB(int percentTrue)


SafeDistance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)


SafeSqrt(int val)


SafeSqrt(int val, int specifyNegRet)


ScreenToLayer(int sourceMap, int sourceScreen, int layerMin, int layerMax, int drawOpacity, int destLayer)


ScreenToLayer(int sourceMap, int sourceScreen, int drawOpacity, int destLayer)


SetCombo(int pos, int data, int type, int flag, int inh_flag, int cset, int solid)


SetLayerComboValues(int layer, int pos, int data, int type, int flag, int inh_flag, int cset, int solid)


Shuffle(untyped ptr)


ShuffleString(char32[] ptr)


SpeedRev(int speed, int reduceinertia)


TraceArray(untyped[] arr)


TraceArray(untyped[] arr, bool verbose)


TraceArrayB(bool[] arr, int size)


TraceArrayB(bool[] arr, int size, bool verbose)


TraceStr(char32[] ptr, int value)


TraceStrB(char32[] ptr, bool val)


Distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scale)

Function descriptions#

int AdjacentCombo(int cmb, int dir, int dist) πŸ”— Source

As AdjacentCombo, but β€˜dist’ squares away in a given direction.

int BoolToFloat(bool input) πŸ”— Source

Convert boolean variable β€˜input’ to floating point, or int.

int BoolToInt(bool input) πŸ”— Source

int CenterLinkY(bool hitoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

int CenterX(itemsprite it, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(npc n, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of eweapon, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of lweapon, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of lweapon, with option to include its HitXOffset and DrawXOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of eweapon, with option to include its HitXOffset and DrawXOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(npc n, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to include its HitXOffset and DrawXOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterX(itemsprite i, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of item, with option to include its HitXOffset and DrawXOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of lweapon, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of eweapon, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(npc n, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(itemsprite it, bool usehitbox) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to use either its actual coordinates, or those of its sprite. Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(lweapon anLWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of lweapon, with option to include its HitYOffset and DrawYOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(eweapon anEWeapon, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of eweapon, with option to include its HitYOffset and DrawYOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(npc n, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of npc, with option to include its HitYOffset and DrawYOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

int CenterY(itemsprite i, bool usehitbox, bool trueoffset, bool drawoffset) πŸ”— Source

Returns center of item, with option to include its HitYOffset and DrawYOffset (individually). Set β€˜usehitbox’ true to use the hitbox center, or false to use the sprite center.

bool Collision(int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between Link and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, lweapon l) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between lweapon β€˜l’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, eweapon l) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between eweapon β€˜e’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, npc l) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between npc β€˜n’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, itemsprite l) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between item β€˜i’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(ffc f, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(lweapon l, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(eweapon e, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(npc n, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(itemsprite i, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(lweapon l, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between lweapon β€˜l’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’. Set checkcoldetection to true if you wish to return false from an lweapon with ColDetection disabled.

bool Collision(int cmb, lweapon l, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(eweapon e, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between eweapon β€˜e’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’ . Set checkcoldetection to true if you wish to return false from an eweapon with ColDetection disabled.

bool Collision(int cmb, eweapon e, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(npc n, int cmb, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between NPC β€˜n’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’ . Set checkcoldetection to true if you wish to return false from an NPC with ColDetection disabled.

bool Collision(int cmb, npc n, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(int cmb, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between Link and a combo at location β€˜cmb’ . Set checkcoldetection to true if you wish to return false from an NPC with ColDetection disabled.

bool Collision(int cmb, ffc f) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between ffc β€˜f’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, ffc f, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

! Collision with hitbox constraints. Check for collision between ffc β€˜f’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, lweapon l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between lweapon β€˜l’ and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool Collision(int cmb, eweapon l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(int cmb, npc l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(int cmb, itemsprite l, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

bool Collision(int cmb, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2) πŸ”— Source

Check for collision between Link and a combo at location β€˜cmb’.

bool CollisionDir(int cmb, lweapon l, int dir, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Returns collision between an lweapon and a combo, only if its direction is β€˜dir’. Set checkcoldetection true if you wish weapons without collision to automatically return false.

bool CollisionDir(int cmb, lweapon l, int dir, bool facingspecificdir, bool checkcoldetection) πŸ”— Source

Returns collision between an lweapon and a combo. Returns false base don direction: Set β€˜facingspecificdir’ to true, to check only if a weapon is facing a specific direction. Set it false, if you want to check if a weapon is NOT facing a specific direction. Set checkcoldetection true if you wish weapons without collision to automatically return false.

int DecimalToInt(int v) πŸ”— Source

D Converts floating point value β€˜v’, after the decimal, to an integer.

int DirRev(int dir) πŸ”— Source

void DirRev(lweapon l) πŸ”— Source

void DirRev(eweapon l) πŸ”— Source

void DirRev(npc l) πŸ”— Source

int DirX(int dir) πŸ”— Source

Returns a multiplication factor for ->Step based on direction. Specifically, return the x component of a line with a length of 1 extending in the given direction from origin. Step = step * DirX(dir); Valid only if dir is 0 to 7.

int DirY(int dir) πŸ”— Source

Returns a multiplication factor for ->Step based on direction. Step = step * DirY(dir); Valid only if dir is 0 to 7. Specifically, return the y component of a line with a length of 1 extending in the given direction from origin.

int Distance2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) πŸ”— Source

Returns the distance between two sets of coordinates using Pythagoras’ Theorem

bool DistX(int a, int distance) πŸ”— Source

Returns if two pointers are within a proximity of β€˜distance’ in pixels. Link and an object (X-Axis)

bool DistX(T a, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistY(int a, int distance) πŸ”— Source

Returns if two pointers are within a proximity of β€˜distance’ in pixels. Link and an object (Y-Axis)

bool DistY(T a, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistX(int a, int b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

Returns if two pointers are within a proximity of β€˜distance’ in pixels. Two objects (X-Axis)

bool DistX(int a, T b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistX(T a, int b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistX(T1 a, T2 b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistY(int a, int b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

Returns if two pointers are within a proximity of β€˜distance’ in pixels. Link and an object (X-Axis)

bool DistY(int a, T b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistY(T a, int b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

bool DistY(T1 a, T2 b, int distance) πŸ”— Source

void EToLWeapon(lweapon b, eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

void EToLWeapon(eweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

lweapon EtoLWeapon(eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int EtoLWeaponID(int type) πŸ”— Source

void EWeaponToLWeapon(lweapon b, eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

lweapon EWeaponToLWeapon(eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

Copy the attributes of a given eweapon to a new lweapon. Returns -1 on error, including if the type (weap->ID) conversion is illegal.

void EWeaponToLWeapon(eweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

Copy the attributes of a given eweapon to an lweapon. Returns -1 on error, including if the type (weap->ID) conversion is illegal.

int EWeaponToLWeaponID(int type) πŸ”— Source

not assigning weapon script stuff here, because that would never work. not assigning ->Parent, because that would be invalid. not assigning Weapon or ->Defence because that would be invalid. Not assigning ->Level, because that would be invalid. Converts the ID (type) of a given weapon to its opposite class. Returns -1 if the type is illegal.

int GetDigitValue(int n, int place) πŸ”— Source

Extracts a single digit from n at the place specified. -4 is the ten-thousandTHs place, 0 is the ones spot, and 4 is the ten-thousanDs spot.

int GetHighFloat(int n) πŸ”— Source

Takes a float as input β€˜n’, and returns the integer portion as int.

int GetLowFloat(int n) πŸ”— Source

Takes a float as input β€˜n’, and returns the decimal portion as int.

int GetPartialValue(int n, int place, int num) πŸ”— Source

Extracts an integer using specific places of any value β€˜n’, from position β€˜place’ plus a number of places β€˜num’.

void GiveLinkItem(int itm_id, int holdtype) πŸ”— Source

Creates an item on the screen at link’s position, giving it to him,a nd running its pick-up script. itm_id is the item ID number if holdtype is set to a Link->Action for holding up an item then Link will hold the item up as desired.

void GiveLinkItem(int itm_id) πŸ”— Source

Creates an item ont he screen at link’s position, giving it to him,a nd running its pick-up script. itm_id is the item ID number Link does not hold up this item.

int GreatestIndex(int[] arr) πŸ”— Source

Returns the index holding the highest value in an array If the highest value is present in two or more indices, this will return the highest-numbered index of the set.

int HitboxBottom() πŸ”— Source

Read link’s HitBox values

int HitboxLeft() πŸ”— Source

int HitboxRight() πŸ”— Source

int HitboxTop() πŸ”— Source

void HoldUpItem(int id, int twohands) πŸ”— Source

void HoldUpItem(itemsprite i, int twohands) πŸ”— Source

void HoldUpItem(itemdata i, int twohands) πŸ”— Source

int ImpactVelocity(int mass1, int velocity1, int mass2, int velociy2) πŸ”— Source

I Accepts the mass, and velocity if two objects. Determins the acceleration on impact. Returns the net change that would affect both objects.

int ImpactVelocityA(int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB) πŸ”— Source

Accepts the mass, and velocity if two objects. Determins the acceleration on impact. Returns the change of acceleration for object β€˜B’.

int ImpactVelocityB(int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB) πŸ”— Source

Accepts the mass, and velocity if two objects. Determins the acceleration on impact. Returns the change of acceleration for object β€˜B’.

void ImpactVelocity(lweapon a, eweapon b, int massA, int velocityA, int massB, int velociyB) πŸ”— Source

Accepts the mass, and velocity if two weapons. Determins the acceleration on impact. Changes the Step of both to reflect their mass on collision.

bool inRoom() πŸ”— Source

Returns true if the Hero is inside a dungeon screen room. If he is still in a doorway, it returns false.

int Least(int[] arr) πŸ”— Source

J K L Returns the lowest value in an array

int LeastIndex(int[] arr) πŸ”— Source

Returns the index holding the lowest value in an array If the lowest value is present in two or more indices, this will return the highest-numbered index of the set.

bool LinkFacing(ffc f) πŸ”— Source

Returns if Link is facing an object.

bool LinkFacing(npc f) πŸ”— Source

bool LinkFacing(lweapon f) πŸ”— Source

bool LinkFacing(eweapon f) πŸ”— Source

bool LinkFacing(itemsprite f) πŸ”— Source

bool LinkFacing(int combo_pos) πŸ”— Source

void LtoEWeapon(eweapon b, lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

void LtoEWeapon(lweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

eweapon LtoEWeapon(lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int LtoEWeaponID(int type) πŸ”— Source

void LWeaponToEWeapon(eweapon b, lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

void LWeaponToEWeapon(lweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

Copy the attributes of a given lweapon to an eweapon. Returns -1 on error, including if the type (weap->ID) conversion is illegal.

eweapon LWeaponToEWeapon(lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

not assigning weapon script stuff here, because that would never work. not assigning ->Parent, because that would be invalid. not assigning Weapon or ->Defence because that would be invalid. Not assigning ->Level, because that would be invalid. Copy the attributes of a given lweapon to a new eweapon. Returns -1 on error, including if the type (weap->ID) conversion is illegal.

int LWeaponToEWeaponID(int type) πŸ”— Source

Converts the ID (type) of a given weapon to its opposite class. Returns -1 if the type is illegal.

bool MatchAction(int[] list) πŸ”— Source

M Match the present Link->Action to those on array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match. Checks if the present Link->Action is one from a predefined list.

bool MatchComboC(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its CSet.

bool MatchComboD(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Data.

bool MatchComboF(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Flag.

bool MatchComboI(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Inherent Flag.

bool MatchComboS(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Solidity.

bool MatchComboT(int[] list, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Type.

bool MatchEWeaponType(int[] list, eweapon e) πŸ”— Source

Match a given eweapon to the contents of an array β€˜list’ Returns true of any of the entries on the list match.

int MatchFFCScript(int script_id) πŸ”— Source

Matches a running ffc script to script_id.

int MatchFFCScript(int script_id, int[] list) πŸ”— Source

Compares the scripts of all running ffcs, to all indices of an array β€˜list’ searching for a match to ffc script β€˜script_id’. If there is a match, it MatchScript() will return the first match (FFC number) found.

bool MatchItem(int[] list, itemsprite i) πŸ”— Source

Match a given item ID number to the contents of an array β€˜list’ Returns true of any of the entries on the list match.

bool MatchLayerComboC(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its CSet.

bool MatchLayerComboD(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Data.

bool MatchLayerComboF(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Flag.

bool MatchLayerComboI(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Inherent Flag.

bool MatchLayerComboS(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Solidity.

bool MatchLayerComboT(int[] list, int layer, int cmb) πŸ”— Source

Compares combo β€˜cmb’ on Layer β€˜layer’ and compares it to the values in array β€˜list’. Returns true of any of the entries on the list match its Type.

bool MatchLWeaponType(int[] list, lweapon l) πŸ”— Source

Match a given lweapon to the contents of an array β€˜list’ Returns true of any of the entries on the list match.

bool MatchNPC(int[] list, npc n) πŸ”— Source

Match a given npc ID number to the contents of an array β€˜list’ Returns true of any of the entries on the list match.

bool MatchNPCT(int[] list, npc n) πŸ”— Source

Match a given NPC TYPE to the contents of an array β€˜list’ Returns true of any of the entries on the list match.

void NoInput() πŸ”— Source

N Kills inputs from A, B, L, R, Start, Map, and Ex buttons.

void NoInput(bool stick) πŸ”— Source

Kills inputs from A, B, L, R, Start, Map, and Ex buttons.

void NoLinkKnockback() πŸ”— Source

Negates engine knockback for Link on land, or in water.

void NoLinkKnockbackLand() πŸ”— Source

Negates engine knockback for Link only on land.

void NoLinkKnockbackWater() πŸ”— Source

Negates engine knockback for Link only in water.

void NoPress() πŸ”— Source

Kills presses from A, B, L, R, Start, Map, and Ex buttons.

void NoPress(bool stick) πŸ”— Source

Kills presses from A, B, L, R, Start, Map, and Ex buttons.

int ProximityX(ffc a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

O P Proximinity between Link and object, or two objects.

int ProximityX(ffc a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, ffc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, npc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, itemsprite a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, int a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

Proximity from center of object’s hitbox:

int ProximityX(ffc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

Rid these of varible declaration inefficiency?

int ProximityX(ffc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, ffc a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, lweapon a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, eweapon a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, npc a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, itemsprite a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(ffc a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(lweapon a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(eweapon a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(npc a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(itemsprite a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int b, int a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityX(int a) πŸ”— Source

ProximityY Functions

int ProximityY(ffc a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, ffc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, lweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, eweapon b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, npc b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, itemsprite b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, ffc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, npc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, itemsprite a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, int b) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, int a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int a) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

Proximity from center of object’s hitbox:

int ProximityY(ffc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

Rid these of varible declaration inefficiency?

int ProximityY(ffc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, ffc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, lweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, eweapon b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, npc b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, itemsprite b, bool fromcentre) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, ffc a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, lweapon a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, eweapon a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, npc a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, itemsprite a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(ffc a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(lweapon a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(eweapon a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(npc a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(itemsprite a, int b, bool center) πŸ”— Source

int ProximityY(int b, int a, bool center) πŸ”— Source

bool RandB() πŸ”— Source

Q R Randomly returns true, or false.

bool RandB(int percentTrue) πŸ”— Source

Randomly returns true, or false, using input percentTrue to determine the percentage change of a β€˜true return’

int SafeDistance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) πŸ”— Source

S Returns the distance between two sets of coordinates using Pythagoras’ Theorem

int SafeSqrt(int val) πŸ”— Source

Safe Sqrt functions if an irrational number would be involved. Returns 464 (square root of 215296), if the value passed is negative. Returns 0 on Sqrt(0).

int SafeSqrt(int val, int specifyNegRet) πŸ”— Source

Returns square root of β€˜val’. Returns β€˜specifyNegRet’ if a negative value is passed as β€˜val’. Returns 0 for Sqrt(0).

void ScreenToLayer(int sourceMap, int sourceScreen, int layerMin, int layerMax, int drawOpacity, int destLayer) πŸ”— Source

Draws a screen specified by β€˜sourceMap and sourceScreen;, from layers specified by β€˜layerMin and layerMax’, at a desired opacity, to the layer specified by β€˜destLayer’ of the current screen.

void ScreenToLayer(int sourceMap, int sourceScreen, int drawOpacity, int destLayer) πŸ”— Source

Draws all layers of a screen specified by β€˜sourceMap and sourceScreen;, at a desired opacity, to the layer specified by β€˜destLayer’ of the current screen.

void SetCombo(int pos, int data, int type, int flag, int inh_flag, int cset, int solid) πŸ”— Source

Sets the values for combo at position β€˜pos’ to those specified. Pass -1 to leave a value unchanged.

void SetLayerComboValues(int layer, int pos, int data, int type, int flag, int inh_flag, int cset, int solid) πŸ”— Source

Sets the values for a combo on layer β€˜layer’, at position β€˜pos’ to the values specified. Pass -1 to any value to leave it unchanged.

void Shuffle(untyped ptr) πŸ”— Source

Shuffles the values of an array.

void ShuffleString(char32[] ptr) πŸ”— Source

Shuffles the values of an string.

int SpeedRev(int speed, int reduceinertia) πŸ”— Source

Returns a reversed speed, given a new speed for an object given a base speed and an interia factor.

void TraceArray(untyped[] arr) πŸ”— Source

Trace the indices of an array, with a space between each. max 20 per line. NOT overloaded to accept all array types. Trace() does not work on ffc, item, itemdata, lweapon, or eweapon until 2.54.x->2.55.

void TraceArray(untyped[] arr, bool verbose) πŸ”— Source

void TraceArrayB(bool[] arr, int size) πŸ”— Source

Trace the indices of a Boolean array, with a space between each. max 20 per line.

void TraceArrayB(bool[] arr, int size, bool verbose) πŸ”— Source

Trace the indices of a Boolean array, allows verbose logging.

void TraceStr(char32[] ptr, int value) πŸ”— Source

Traces a float, or int; whether a variable, an internal variable, array index, or other along with a given string in one function.

void TraceStrB(char32[] ptr, bool val) πŸ”— Source

As TraceStr, but for boolean values.

int Distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scale) πŸ”— Source

Returns the distance between two sets of coordinates using Pythagoras’ Theorem Allows scaling for large distance determinations. Argument β€˜scale’ represents a ratio of 1:scale. Argument β€˜scale’ is most precise when using powers of 10 (e.g.. 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000). If arg β€˜scale’ is set to 0, it defaults to 1. Returns -1 on error.