For Loops#

A basic for loop is made of 4 parts: the declaration, the condition, the increment, and the body. The condition and the body function much the same as while loops. The declaration allows declaring a new variable, or list of variables. The increment allows a statement, or comma-delimited list of statements.

The format of these is for(declaration; condition; increment), followed by the body.

for(int x = 0; x < 10; x += 2)
        printf("x is %d\n", x);
/* Prints:
x is 0
x is 2
x is 4
x is 6
x is 8

Related: Loop Else, Break, Continue

For-Each Loops#

Alternatively, a for loop can be used with an array, to create what is refered to as a for-each loop. This has a different format, for(varname : array) / for(varname in array). The type of the variable will be the element type of the array.

int[] some_values = {1,2,7,20,5};
for(x : some_values)
        printf("x is %d\n", x);
/* Prints:
x is 1
x is 2
x is 7
x is 20
x is 5

for(e in Screen->NPCs)
        printf("Enemy number %d\n", e->ID);
// Prints the enemy ID number of each enemy on screen, in order.

Related: Loop Else, Break, Continue