Compiler Options#

Compiler options are things you can change to change how the compiler interprets your code. Many of the available options exist for compatibility for older scripts, when things about ZScript worked differently- said options are usually best left at their defaults unless you specifically know what you are doing. Other options are designed specifically to be changable as needed for a variety of purposes, and can be changed at your leisure.

Option Scope#

Different parts of your scripts can use different options. This is accomplished by using the #option compiler directive. The #option directive may be used at function scope or higher, and may only be used at the top of the scope, before any other statements.

If, for example, you’re compiling an older script that relied on the broken integer division behavior that was present in version 2.50, you could put:


at the top of the script that requires the old broken behavior. Then, while compiling that script, the compiler will use the old behavior.

Option Inheritance#

In every scope except the ‘script buffer’ in the editor defaults every single option to the special value inherit.

This means that they will inherit the value for that option from the scope above them. Since the ‘script buffer’ has nothing above it, the options it uses are set in a menu in the editor, ZScript->Compiler Settings. In the table below on this page, the listed ‘Default’ values are what you will see in this menu upon a fresh installation of the program.

You can technically manually set options to inherit, though as it will already be this for every scope, this has no effect. You can also manually set options to the special value default, which will inherit the settings directly from the menu in the editor, ignoring all the scopes above.

What are all the options?#

Standard Options#



Possible Values[1]




on off

All functions that would log to the console are compiled away, producing no code or output.



on off error warn

Determines what happens when importing a file that was already imported. If on, prevents the duplicate import with no error. Can be set to instead prevent it and issue an error or warning.



on off

If on, the compiler will keep trying as long as it can, even after it encounters an error. If off, it stops after one error.



numbers in float range

The ~~ (approximately equal) operator will return true if the difference between its operands is <= this value.



on off

If enabled, switch statements using strings will match the strings case-insensitively.



on off error warn

If on or warn, issues a warning when using any internal symbol that is marked as deprecated. Setting to error gives a compile error instead.

Not Yet Implemented

STRING_SWITCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE may become deprecated in favor of an annotation on switch statements instead.

Compatibility Options#

You almost certainly want to leave these in their default state, unless you know what you are doing.



Possible Values[1]




on off

Enables old bug where division specifically by a literal was wrongly truncating, resulting in integer division.



on off

Allows boolean expressions to short-circuit, exiting early if the final answer is already known.



on off

Most boolean true values will use the internal representation 0.0001 instead of 1 if this is enabled.



on off

Changes the size range of number literals. If off, their range is -214747.0000 to 214747.0000.



on off

Makes bitwise operators treat ints the same way they do longs. Do not enable this. Just use longs instead.