


Variable descriptions#

const int __TANGO_SCROLL_SPEED = 4 πŸ”— Source

Standard settings ———————————————————– How fast messages scroll.

const int __TANGO_SPEEDUP_FACTOR = 5 πŸ”— Source

How much holding A speeds up text.


If this is enabled, speedup keys pressed in the same frame a slot was activated will be ignored until they’re pressed again.

const int __TANGO_SCROLL_TO_NEXT = 1 πŸ”— Source

Whether the current string scrolls up before displaying the next one rather than just disappearing.

const int __TANGO_SCROLL_SPEEDUP = 1 πŸ”— Source

Whether holding A or B speeds up scrolling to the next message.

const int __TANGO_SFX_ON_SPACE = 0 πŸ”— Source

Whether a sound is played when a space is printed.

const int __TANGO_DELAY_ON_SPACE = 1 πŸ”— Source

Whether there’s a delay before a space, as with printable characters.

const int __TANGO_AUTO_ADVANCE_TIME = 90 πŸ”— Source

Strings that advance automatically will wait this long before doing so.

const int __TANGO_ENABLE_BRACKET_HIGHLIGHT = 1 πŸ”— Source

Whether [[double brackets]] change the text color instead of being printed.

const int __TANGO_MENU_CURSOR_TRAVEL_TIME = 0 πŸ”— Source

Menu cursors will take this long to travel between options. A speed of 1 or less is instantaneous.

const int __TANGO_DRAWING_LAYER = 6 πŸ”— Source

The layer to draw on.

const int __TANGO_BITMAP = 6 πŸ”— Source

Which offscreen bitmap to use for text rendering.

const int __TANGO_CODE_DELIMITER = 64 πŸ”— Source

String codes are marked by this character. 64 is @

const int __TANGO_MAX_STRING_FUNC_LENGTH = 16 πŸ”— Source

The maximum length of a string handled by @string. Increasing this will make the function take more space in the buffer, regardless of the argument. It’s not necessary to account for the null terminator.

const int __TANGO_LOGGING_LEVEL = 2 πŸ”— Source

Logging level. 0: Don’t log anything 1: Only log errors 2: Log all messages (only if loggingFull.zh is used)

const int __TANGO_ONSCREEN_NOTIFICATION = 1 πŸ”— Source

Whether to display a notification onscreen when an error is logged.


Onscreen error notification colors.


int[] Tango_D πŸ”— Source

Access as @d0 to @d7; can be safely removed

const int VAR_TANGO_D0 = 0.0055 πŸ”— Source

const int VAR_TANGO_D7 = 0.0062 πŸ”— Source

const int __TANGO_MAX_MENU_ITEMS = 20 πŸ”— Source

Menu data

untyped[] __Tango_Data πŸ”— Source


const int __TANGO_NUM_STYLES = 10 πŸ”— Source

Style data

untyped[] __Tango_Styles πŸ”— Source


char32[] __Tango_Buffer πŸ”— Source

Arbitrary size

const int __TANGO_NUM_SLOTS = 2 πŸ”— Source

untyped[] __Tango_SlotData πŸ”— Source


const int TANGO_SLOT_NORMAL = 0 πŸ”— Source

Slot types and definitions

int[] __Tango_SlotDefs πŸ”— Source

Function descriptions#

int Tango_GetCustomVar(int var) πŸ”— Source

void Tango_SetCustomVar(int var, int value) πŸ”— Source

int __Tango_RunCustomFunction(int function, int[] args) πŸ”— Source

Custom functions

bool __Tango_PressAdvance(int waitTime) πŸ”— Source

Edit these functions to change which buttons are used. Return Link->Press* for advance/end string button waitTime indicates how long the prompt has been displayed

bool __Tango_InputAdvance() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Input* for advance/end string button

void __Tango_UnpressAdvance() πŸ”— Source

Unset Link->Input* and Link->Press* for advance/end string button

bool __Tango_PressSpeedup() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Press* for speedup button

bool __Tango_InputSpeedup() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Input* for speedup button

void __Tango_UnpressSpeedup() πŸ”— Source

Unset Link->Input* and Link->Press* for speedup button

bool __Tango_PressSuperSpeed() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Press* for super speed button

bool __Tango_InputSuperSpeed() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Input* for super speed button

void __Tango_UnpressSuperSpeed() πŸ”— Source

Unset Link->Input* and Link->Press* for super speed button

bool __Tango_PressMenuSelect() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Press* for menu select button

bool __Tango_PressMenuCancel() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Press* for menu cancel button

bool __Tango_InputMenu() πŸ”— Source

Return Link->Input* for both menu select and cancel buttons

void __Tango_UnpressMenu() πŸ”— Source

Unset Link->Input* and Link->Press* for menu select and cancel buttons